Saturday, June 9, 2018

how can this great love be inside me?

We went and had our first picnic. The weather here has been so nice. I still cant believe we came all the way out here. 

There is not a more perfect feeling as a child to sit outside eating strawberries and kiwis. Feeling the warmth kissing your back through the shade of the trees. This is Ripleys first time in tall luscious grass. I watched her feel it. I imagined the thoughts going through her head. "This is pokey, and dewey and it tickles" She kicked her rear legs up (first time I've seen this) in the most perfect "downward dog" position trying to examen why the ground felt the way it did. She is such a fast learner. While we munched on some sandwiches I made before we left the house, she quickly climbed in my lap trying to grab my sandwich.  She eats everything we do. 

Ripley Loves: 

- Strawberries, kiwis, hard boiled eggs, broccoli, sweet potato, avocado, spinach, carrots, chicken, hamburger, pasta, bananas, pancakes, bacon, grilled cheese, and prunes
- Climbing anything
- Cruising all around the couch
- Going on walks
- Playing with water
- Cats 
- People
- Pepa Pig

Ripley is not a real fan of: 

- Green beans, certain apple sauces? scrambled eggs, oatmeal (I have to hide it) 
- Sitting in one spot for too long
- Waiting for her bottle

Her first word has been "Yeah" She says "MUMM" when she cries and today she said "DADADADA" over and over. 

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